WeWash Laundry Co. Blog

Mothers Day 2023

April 25, 2023

I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom



January 26, 2023

What is the best Valentine gift?

Looking for a Valentine gift for the person who has it all? How about a galentine gift? We have the perfect Valentine package for you!

Pioneer Soap Pinterest

November 18, 2022

What modern day item are you thankful for?

As November progresses here at WeWash, we have been taking the time to think about both our country's history and all the things (& people) we have to be thankful for.

Halloween Blog Photo2

October 15, 2022

Spooky season has arrived, along with mysterious candy stains!

You could immediately tell the Iowa weather agreed it was finally fall here at WeWash. With tank tops being replaced by big comfy sweaters and t-shirts making way for hoodies, but our absolute favorite sign was the uptick in spooky season gear. The ...

Wewash Square 72

Straight from Claudia & Steph

January 01, 2022

2022, WeWash is ready for you!

2022, WeWash is ready for you! ✨In our 2nd year of business in this crazy business environment, we feel blessed that our team was able to provide service for 4,725 orders!!!✨

December Giveaway


December 08, 2021

A winner every week in December!

👋 December GIVEAWAY!! Everyone knows it feels so much better to give than receive! That's why every week of this month (December 2021), we will be gifting one deserving family a free laundry service. If there's someone in your life that deserves a laundry break, comment on the original Facebook post. In one sentence tell us who deserves a load of laundry, and why! Here's the link to our Facebook page where you will find the giveaway post: https://www.facebook.com/WeWashLaundryCo Don’t forget to check back each week to see who wins! Wishing you a wonderful holiday! -WeWash Laundry Co.